Newsflash: Open Primaries referendums are on the ballot in Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, South Dakota and Washington D.C. this November.
Article shared by Cathy L. Stewart on October 08, 2024 at 1:43 PM
On October 21st at 6 pm ET
Join a Virtual Rally Sponsored by Open Primaries, Unite America, Forward Party, Independent Voting, Independent Voter Project, and Veterans for All Voters.
Hosted by John Opdycke, President of Open Primaries
& Andrew Yang, Founder of the Forward Party
Every campaign is working overtime to pull out a strong vote…and you can help! Whether you live in Texas or Tennessee, New York or New Mexico, California or Connecticut, there are things you can do to support these important campaigns to let all voters vote.
How to Help: Attend the Virtual Open Primaries Rally on October 21st from 6pm to 7pm ET. Bring your friends, family and colleagues. Invite everyone you know to attend the rally. We promise you will walk away with a deep appreciation for the incredible work each of these campaigns has done to give voters a powerful way to impact our political system this November.
What’s going to happen: Andrew Yang and John Opdycke are co-hosting. You will hear from campaign spokespeople and be able to directly engage with them and your fellow attendees in a lively open Q and A. We’ll watch inspiring videos from key campaign states. And you will learn how you can help by making donations, sending letters, talking to friends, etc. Plus….a special guest or two?
Please Join Us
Monday, October 21st at 6:00 PM EDT
Can I support these campaigns in advance of the rally?: Absolutely! Here are the links to each individual campaign:
Alaska: No On 2 AK
Arizona: Make Elections Fair Arizona
Colorado: Colorado Voters First
Idaho: Idahoans for Open Primaries
Montana: Montanans for Election Reform
Nevada: Vote Yes on 3
South Dakota: South Dakota Open Primaries
Washington, D.C.: Make All Votes Count DC
Independents Voters for AZ on Facebook
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