

This is an exciting and challenging time for independent voters in Arizona. Independents are now the largest community of voters in the state having surpassed the number of registered Democrats and Republican, and yet, will not be allowed to vote in the upcoming Presidential primary. Hmmmm...you may say. What’s wrong with this picture?! The answer is simple: partisanship. Partisanship means the dominance of political parties and their interests -- in lawmaking, governing and the very conduct of our elections -- over those of the people. When partisanship is in play, there is gridlock, legislative dysfunction and the people’s interest get the back burner treatment while the parties battle it out for power and majority control. Independent Voters for Arizona is changing that.

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Independent Voting's Spokesperson Training

Our colleagues at Independent Voting will be holding their next semi-annual Spokesperson Training. A virtual training that is part educational, part performance training. Every independent has a story to tell about why he/she became independent. With 51% of Americans currently identifying as independent, and democracy falling well short of what it...
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In 2024, independent voters grew their share of the vote, split their tickets and expanded their influence

Political independents vote differently from those who say they are Democrats or Republicans. VectorMine/iStock via Getty Images Plus By Jacqueline Salit & Thom Reilly, originally published to The Conversation on Dec. 9, 2024 With a growing number of American voters identifying as politically independent, many pollsters, most members of the media and...
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The US Political System Is Failing Young Voters the Most

By Shawn Griffiths - Originally published Dec. 3, 2024 on Independent Voter News Photo by Getty Images on Unsplash In 2024, Gallup found for the first time in the history of its polling that more than half of the electorate identified as independent. The biggest driver of this political shift are...
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